
At Bournemouth Bay Teacher Training Partnership we take our responsibility to ensure the safety of our trainees, and of the students in all of our placement schools, very seriously. We are committed to working together to create a fantastic training experience and to ensure the highest level of trainee safety and wellbeing. There is a clear commitment to safeguarding which is overseen by a designated safeguarding officer (DSL). The SCITT Director currently acts as the DSL.

The DSL promotes and implement the safeguarding policy which can be downloaded by clicking on the link.



Additionally all staff working with the SCITT are trained in safeguarding and are able to access additional information, advice and training where appropriate.

We will:

  • ensure that trainees and partnership schools are aware of their safeguarding obligations
  • provide safeguarding training for all SCITT trainee teachers
  • ensure that all trainee teachers (and SCITT staff) are subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check, along with a prohibition from teaching check

Our partner schools have a duty to comply with all current UK legislation and statutory responsibilities. This means that they will take appropriate steps to ensure that there is a clear understanding of what this means in practice in the context of the responsibilities we have for trainee teachers.

We are required by statutory guidance to make specific safeguarding checks on all trainee teachers including:

  • ID checks (passport, driving licence, birth certificate etc)
  • Right to work in the UK (passport, EU national ID card, birth certificate, residence permit etc)
  • DBS check
  • Overseas police check (if applicable – to be obtained by the applicant)
  • Barred list check
  • Prohibition from teaching check

As part of the counter-terrorism and security act 2015, SCITT providers are required to pay “due regard to the need to prevent individuals from being drawn into terrorism”. All trainee teachers studying on the programme will be expected to attend a compulsory session in which these issues will be covered (known as “Prevent”). An important part of Prevent is also the promotion of fundamental British values. These are the norms which shape our society and which are enshrined in law, through legislation such as the Equality Act 2010. British values are described as:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty and mutual respect
  • tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs

Trainee teachers are encouraged to explore ideas in a context where these values are recognised and respected.