
Bournemouth Bay SCITT

Twynham Learning Trust Board

Composition: All trustees, overseen by Members
Role: Full Board accountability for Twynham Learning MAT functions


Twynham Learning Resources Committe

(Termly reporting by DfE) Have non-operational governance oversight over SCrutiny Board.


Twynham Learning Audit Committe

Internal & external audit and scrutiny board (finance, risk, resources etc.)


Two Rivers Assurance and Scrutiny Board

Compositions: CEO (chair), Trustee, Twynham Learning staff represtentative, Director of Operations, Observers with technical experience as required.
Role: Strategic Board to oversee the performance and delivery of Two Rivers as an entity of the Twynham Learning MAT
Provide challenge and critical evaluation of termly performance, monitor ongoing excellence plans, provide delegated approvals for significant changes


Trust Executive Team

Composition: CEO, Director of Education Role: weekly oversight and challenge . Termly Evaluative Review Meetin, Annual Healthcheck Review.


Two Rivers Insititue Working Group

Compositions: TRI Leadership Team / TL Operational Leadership Team Role: To provide technical support in delivering the key statutory functions required of TRI


SCITT Leadership Team

Composition: Director of SCITT, Poole Hub Manager, SCITT Lead at Ringwood School Role: To plan, deliver and review current provision, identify future business improvements, self-evaluate provision and hold to account all members of the organisation


SCITT Partnership Board

Composition: Head Teachers (or reps) of Partner Schools, Director of SCITT and Director of Education
Role: To review and challenge the curriculum and training programme and to seek solutions to improve ITE